Borin did shopping today to the kids, they all start a new school year on Monday and Borin bought them new cloths, shoes, schoolbags, and school equipment.
Borin is writing:
I spent totally 112.5 USD for everything of their starting school.
The spending like this:
1- Clothes of Sophal, Cheng and Kosal 6 pairs x 5 ( 5 USD per one pair) = 30 USD
2- Clothes of Chanthy alone 2 pairs, two shirts and two skirts = 17 USD
3 School bag of Sophal, Cheng and Kosal ( 2 x 6 USD and 1 x 5 USD) = 17 USD
4- Shoes of Rotha and Cheng: 2 x 4 USD = 8 USD
- Shoes of Sophal, Chanthy and Kosal: 3 x 5 USD = 15 USD
5- Socks 3 x 3000 riels about 2 USD
6- Built of Rotha 3 USD
7- Notebooks (60 books) plus pen, red pen, pencils, ruler, book cover with plastic for covering =22.5 USD
Rotha needed 15 books last year, grade 7. So I bought Chanthy 15 books, Rotha 15 books, Cheng about 12 books, while Sophal needs only 8 books, The rest book for Kosal, but if there is any notebooks left I could give it later for the one who could need next time.
This time I gave them much freedom to choose clothes that they like, shoes that they like, school bag that they like, books, and so on...
I asked for good quality as well, but let see how long they could use those things. I bought two set of cloths as they could have for changing while one pair is dirty, and haven't washed.